My effort in blogging has fallen flat this past month. However this poor effort has not been reflected in my ability to shop, and in doing so find some big bargains. Here's a recent outfit of mine consisting of a few new additions to my bulging wardrobe.
Starting with this damn fine coat. Seen as this awful weather is here to stay and persisting to be wet and miserable I deemed it a perfect occasion to treat myself to a new coat. The first criteria I was looking for in my new coat was a statement, whether it be colour or pattern. I love the whole light pink coat trend however the colour really does nothing for me my skin tone and draws me out. Also for such a messy eater like myself, was a light coloured coat really the right choice? Same applies to beige, if it doesn't disguise a ketchup stain easily then it probably isn't for me.
Found this treasure from a designer at Debenhams in Cardiff called Promod. The shop assistant told me they were the only store that stocked this designer and they have some really lovely pieces. This black and white oversized blazer was £84.95 down to £33.50.
I had been eyeing up these red booties before Christmas. I couldn't part with £55 for such a statement coloured shoe, unfortunately red doesn't go with everything and so I didn't feel as though I would get my wear out of them. While shopping in the new year I came across the boots all on their own in New Look, the last pair, in my size, for £20. Mine!!
Annie x